Sunday, February 13, 2011

Working hard on future links

The following has been sorted from research that Stewart has sent to me via email.  You will be seeing them soon (or summaries thereof) on the tabs at the top.  Perhaps links to uploaded documents as well.  I have been and continue to be adding names and information to people on  Then the file can be put on my software and uploaded to our googledocs site and a link put here.  So please come back often and check changes.  Better yet, subscribe via email or RSS feed or Facebook, or whichever blog tracking site you prefer. You will then be notified automatically by blogspot whenever there is work done on this blog.  These days, Stewart and I are constantly in touch and working at it.

 These references will be available shortly:

Australia's Early Immigration Schemes
Scottish Immigrants to Australia
Where did They Go To? - New Zealand
The Scots - British and Irish Immigration - page on New Zealand

Canada - Emigraton and Immigration
Crossing Borders:  Scottish Emigration to Canada
The Peopling of Canada 1891 - 1921
Irish Emigration Lists 1833 - 1839 - Fanny, John Reid, James, et al.
EMIGRATION   GENERAL AND U.S.- Some of these can be summarized and referenced.
Irish Emigration
Fleeing From Famine (from our family tree book)
Emigration to Canada, USA, Australia - some of this can be summarized and put int respective countries
Female Emigrants Guide
Emigration - Coffin Ships
Emigration and Scottish Society
The Irish - British and irish Immigration
Emigrating to the USA
That's what I have without double checking old emails.   I think this about covers it.
When I finish with Ancestry, I will download it into my Rootsmagic program and upload it to Google docs (replacing the old, incomplete one) and also upload lists that RootsMagic can produce (All names in alpha order, and different reports such as Birthday and Anniversary lists, Family Group Sheets, and even custom lists (if it's not too complicated  lol).I think there is a way to upload a chart as well so that the gedcom file won't be necessary.  I know ther is a wall chart of names one can print, but that is cumbersome to read over the internet, i think.  When it's finished, we'll see.
Now, for me, it's just a matter of getting at it and entering all the names into ancestry from each branch and also trying to find ancestors back farther if we can.   Check out the ancestry stuff every once in awhile .  I have no trouble writing summaries - that's my area of study.  I know there are a few weeks of winter left and March cold winds, so I still have time before I will want to get out there and walk off the pounds.  I do have my laptop that I can take to the park as well instead of a book.  I see a lot of university students here doing that.

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