Thursday, June 23, 2011


Things have slowed down in the geneology department.  It has taken a back seat to the sun.  However, Hilda (the one who put together that wonderful family history book) and I have been in touch, also Stewart via internet cafe and Skype - he is on holiday, and my sister Melinda, who is doing a family history scrapbook. In July, I will be doing one shift per week at the Family History Center here in Lethbridge, so that will get me in the swing again.  I am toying with the idea of starting a geneology blog on the whys and hows of what I'm doing and how I'm helping other people find their ancestors and my adventures in this field in general.  I will keep you posted when that is up and running.  Stewart also is keen on starting other projects.  Meantime, until there is something to post, enjoy the sunshine while we may and Happy Canada Day to everyone in Canada.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I am getting emails saying that "Anonymous" has posted on our Guestbook, but when I go there, it shows 0 comments.  Can anyone clear up this mystery?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


You will find this letter in the full gedcom file under Family Tree in the Family Tree tab on this page and also under "Letter of Acknowledement" under the link, "more docs" on the same page.  I have added it separately under "more docs" because not everyone can download and view the gedcom file. It has been brought to our attention that the acknowledgement to Hilda (and rightly so) was not available to everyone for the above reason. it is with gratitude and humble apologies.  Hilda's work is phenomenal and, because of this blog, Stewart and I have made another family connection "in person."  We would like to hear from any McCaws, Macaws, etc. out there as well.  The following is the text of Hilda's letter.........

THE DESCENDANTS OF DUNCAN McCaw  Updated - June 1993

During 1992, many interested family members informed me about additions and changes to this history of the descendants of Duncan McCaw. Eleanor McCaw
from Broomall, Pennsylvania and Harry (Hank) McCaw from Port Hope,
Ontario went to Ireland ill August 1992 and brought back much additional information. Therefore, I decided to produce an. update.
This family history begins with Duncan McCawand Miss Ramsey of Ballintoy Parish, Country Antrim, Ireland.
Unfortunately, at this time, we do not know the given name of his wife or the date of their marriage. We do know that Duncan married a second time ten years after the birth of his last child,Mary, born in 1826, so it likely that Ms. Ramsey was the mother of

My sincere thanks to Reverend Dr. W'. Harold Reid for his
continue.d help and assistance. (Harold passed away on December 21,
1991) .
Thanks to Mrs. Eleanor (Maca'ill)MCCaw(617.1) of Broomall, Pa.
and to James Harry McCaw (682" 2) of Port Hope, Ontario for
information on the Irish and American relatives. They share an
interest in the family history and have provided me with much
special thanks to my daughter, Janis Lynn Cathcart (43111.1)
who has given me valuable assistance in the original printing.
Also I thanks to my sister,Theda Irene (Moorcroft) Eckert
(4224.3 & 4311. 3) who did the artwork for the. cover and the branch
Thanks to many others too numerous to mention.
Hilda Pauline (Moorcroft) Cathcart (4224.1 & 4311.1)
June 30, .l993