Thursday, June 23, 2011


Things have slowed down in the geneology department.  It has taken a back seat to the sun.  However, Hilda (the one who put together that wonderful family history book) and I have been in touch, also Stewart via internet cafe and Skype - he is on holiday, and my sister Melinda, who is doing a family history scrapbook. In July, I will be doing one shift per week at the Family History Center here in Lethbridge, so that will get me in the swing again.  I am toying with the idea of starting a geneology blog on the whys and hows of what I'm doing and how I'm helping other people find their ancestors and my adventures in this field in general.  I will keep you posted when that is up and running.  Stewart also is keen on starting other projects.  Meantime, until there is something to post, enjoy the sunshine while we may and Happy Canada Day to everyone in Canada.

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